Focus…2023 Word for the Year

For six years from 2013 to 2019, I chose a word or phrase for the coming year. Back in 2013 when I started, my phrase for that year was “It’s Yours, Lord.” What a year it was. I decided to get my MBA and began that process in March, my Dad passed away in May, and I began the MBA journey in July. It proved to be a good phrase to sum up the year.

That phrase came to me on December 31, 2012, as I spent the day with my friends and Alabama family, Steve and Paige Paquette. On our way to a celebration of the new year with the youth at Ft. Benning, where Steve served, we stopped at a church that was doing a “silent communion.” You could stop in any time during the evening prior to midnight and go through the guided service provided that included reading Scripture, hymns, and spending time in prayer, all in between taking the elements of communion. It was unique, and felt odd at first, but I did it. And while I was praying and spending time with the Lord, the phrase, “It’s Yours, Lord” came to me. I felt like that needed to be my theme for 2013. And so it was.

From then on, I decided to claim a word or phrase each year in lieu of setting resolutions. I’m not a fan of resolutions, mainly because I start a lot of things and don’t finish them, resolutions included, leaving me feel like a failure. Having a word for the year seemed a better way to shape and mold the days to come. My word for 2019 was “Thrive.” The end of 2019, I was far from thriving as I began my journey of health issues that continued for three years. In 2020, 2021, and 2022, I was just surviving so I didn’t choose a word.

Would I ever choose one again? That was doubtful. I was gun shy that picking a word again would only end up in doom like my last word. The last planner I bought was for 2020, and we all know how that turned out. Though I don’t believe in fate, I decided to buy a planner for 2023, defying the odds! Now as 2022 is coming to a close, a word has come to the surface for me, and I once again have decided to proclaim it. That word is…Focus. I’m using the word Focus as a verb and when I looked up the definition I found the following…

(of a person or their eyes) adapt to the prevailing level of light and become able to see clearly.

Wow. That really grabbed me. My life is full of adapting these days, and I’m only able to see clearly from the “prevailing level of light.” That definition is so rich. I read that definition over and over letting it sink into the depths of my soul. This was the word. This was the definition. This was Focus. I have a lot of ways I want to focus in 2023, so I thought I’d list a few…

  • Focus on Jesus - First and foremost, I want to increase in my love and devotion to Jesus. I so often feel like Peter in the story found in Matthew 14. Jesus had Peter get out of the boat and begin walking on the water towards Jesus. When the wind blew and caused Peter to be afraid, he was distracted and began to sink, crying out for Jesus to save him. That’s me. I’m like Peter who when the storms come, I drop like a fainting goat crying out for help. I’ve wrestled with my faith over the last three years and God has been so faithful, always with me, never wavering, even when I didn’t “feel” like He was there. I’ve realized one truth through this journey: Jesus is all that matters. Without Him, I’m nothing. When I come to the end of my life…which I did three times…He is all that matters. So my plan is to spend time in His Word and learn to focus more on my relationship with Him, because you should spend the most time with the One that matters most.

  • Focus on Recovering - December 31, 2022 is my one-year ampiversary - the day I lost my right leg. I’ve come a long way and still can’t believe all that I’ve done in the past year. But being an amputee is not for the faint of heart. This road is long as I learn to wear a prosthetic and my body gets used to be partially bionic. I’m in rehab twice a week and not only learning how to walk all over again but building up endurance I’ve lost after being confined for so long to a hospital bed over the past three years. I’m an overachiever, but a realist. I’m praying by the end of 2023 I’ll be walking and functioning so much better and maybe - dare I say it - driving. God’s Timing is best.

  • Focus on Discipline - This one is killer for me. I’m OCD and love routines. And, I’m Type A and an overachiever at times (see above bullet point.) But discipline is a hard thing for me. I need to focus on getting enough rest each night and eating well. Nighttime is hard as it brings back lots of traumatic memories for me. I’m learning how to cope with those so I can get to sleep at a decent hour. When I was so sick, I lost an extreme amount of weight. And even though that seemed good to me, it wasn’t. I lost muscle mass and couldn’t even sit up on my own. I had to focus on eating lots of protein and getting my appetite back. I have and put back on most of that weight, which isn’t good since I’m sitting most of the time. I want to focus on eating well and not obsessing over diets but getting stronger and healthier.

  • Focus on Accomplishments - Even with my personality being so driven, I find myself the reigning Queen of Piddle. I can dawdle and putter with the best of them, getting nothing accomplished. Since being an amputee, everything takes longer, whether that’s getting ready in the morning or doing a simple task. Not only does time tick away just living life, I can piddle around and get nothing of note accomplished. I am working on a few things I need to focus more intently upon in the new year:

    • Writing my book and pitching it to potential agents and publishers - I’ve slacked off on this the last couple of months and need to get back in gear

    • Working on my certification for biblical counseling - I have spent some time on Phase 1 of this process but haven’t really devoted the time I need to in order to make significant progress.

    • Reading - I used to be an avid reader. During the past three years, I had moments where I read a lot, but my focus had dwindled due to all I had been through. I’m hoping to conquer a classic this year - Bleak House by Charles Dickens - and to read other books. Writers are readers and I am not living up to that mantra.

Though there are other things I will focus on in the new year, these are probably my top four. They are areas where I’ve struggled to focus on for the past year, and to be honest, the past three years in some cases.

When you go to the eye doctor for your annual exam, they always have you read the eye chart. At first glance it seems blurry, but as you blink and truly focus, the letters become clear. In recent years, I didn’t have the energy or ability to even blink my eyes enough to see the letters in front of me. Surviving was the name of the game. Now that I am traveling on the trajectory upward - or at least I hope so - I want to fix my eyes on Jesus and forge ahead into the plans He has for me. By the end of the year, I hope to have lots of great things to report!

Do you have a word or phrase for the year? If so, share it in the comments.


The Title of My Book


2022…A Year in Review